Friday, February 5, 2010

Hmm, it’s kinda hot now. I mean the weather. :) So sunny outside. And I’m trying to figure out why.

Why Why Why?

Why Lihui didn’t tell me that she’s leaving for three days?

Why yinhui was the one who told me that?

Why can’t zuen just sacrifice her time for sleeping and come to school to keep me a company?

Why Candace behave like a different person like become much mature now???

Why we don’t have many topics to talk about when we’re together?

Why are we so strange?

I’m not in a perfect mood now. Kinda… moody today. :|

No choice.

OHO. I heard thunder. BLOOOOM!!

Now is quite sunny. But I heard thunder.

Weird right? :X

Yesterday I choked by the water… in Chinese class.

It was Peiyi’s fault.

I was drinking the water and she talked something very funny.

I almost have gone to see the God in Heaven. Can you see halo on my head now? O__O

Candace Goh quit Chinese.


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